Donald Trump Has Plans to Ban Abortion Nationwide. Joe Biden Will Never Let That Happen.

We are seeing in real time the chaos and cruelty all across the country created by Donald Trump’s overturning of Roe v. Wade and the extreme abortion bans he has unleashed. Trump has said he wants to punish women who get abortions, and if he returns to the White House, he and his allies would move to ban abortion nationwide – with or without the help of Congress. This is why we must reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the only candidates in this race who will defend a woman’s right to choose.

Donald Trump brags that he’s “proudly the person responsible” for overturning Roe v. Wade and unleashing extreme abortion bans across the country. Now, because of Trump, more than 1 in 3 women of reproductive age live under an abortion ban, doctors are being threatened with jail time for doing their jobs, and women are being refused life-saving care. Because of Trump, MAGA Republicans are inserting themselves into the most personal decisions a family can make, from contraception to IVF. And Trump supports allowing states to prosecute women who have abortions, and monitoring women’s bodies. Trump has even opened the door to restricting access to contraception.

This should not be happening in America – but it is because of Donald Trump. And if Trump returns to the White House, things will only get worse as he and MAGA Republicans work toward their ultimate goal: banning abortion nationwide.

Map of Abortion Bans in the United States

Joe Biden won’t let that happen. 

Joe Biden believes women’s reproductive health care decisions should be made by them and their doctors, not politicians. He is fighting to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade and will never allow a national abortion ban to become law.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are standing up for women’s fundamental freedoms, leading a whole-of-government effort to protect and expand access to reproductive health care amid ongoing Republican attacks, including:

This November, the choice is clear: Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are working to ban abortion nationwide. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will never stop fighting until they restore reproductive freedom for all women in every state. 

Are Trump and MAGA Republicans really trying to ban abortion nationally?

Yes, they are, and they’ve worked out the details of exactly how they’ll do it:

  • Trump has promised “to be leading the charge” in getting a national abortion ban passed.
  • Trump has said there should be “punishment” for women who have an abortion and that states should be able to punish doctors for providing abortion care.
  • Trump’s close advisors and allies have a comprehensive strategy to rip away access to reproductive health care nationwide, including banning medication abortion and restricting access to contraception, with or without the help of Congress. They are targeting all 50 states, including states where abortion is currently legal. 

If Trump returns to the White House, things will only get worse as he and MAGA Republicans work toward their ultimate goal: banning abortion nationwide.

What has the Biden-Harris Administration done to protect the right to choose?

Protecting access to reproductive health care has been a priority since the beginning of the Biden-Harris Administration, made even more urgent by Trump overturning Roe v. Wade. Joe Biden has signed three executive orders to protect access to reproductive health care, and he and Kamala Harris are overseeing a whole-of-government effort to protect reproductive rights amid ongoing Republican attacks, including:

  • Safeguarding access to abortion, including medication abortion: The Biden-Harris Administration is working to defend access to mifepristone, a safe and effective medication approved by the FDA more than twenty years ago. Joe Biden issued a Presidential Memorandum directing efforts to protect access to medication abortion, including safeguarding the safety and security of patients, providers, and pharmacies.  
  • Fighting to ensure access to emergency medical care: The administration is committed to helping ensure all patients, including women who are experiencing pregnancy loss and other pregnancy-related emergencies, have access to emergency medical care required under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). 
  • Expanding access to contraception: Joe Biden issued an Executive Order directing agencies to improve contraception access and affordability for women with private health insurance, promote increased access to over-the-counter contraception, and more.
  • Protecting patient privacy: The administration issued a new rule to strengthen privacy protections, including reproductive health privacy, under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  • Defending a woman’s right to travel for medical care: On the day of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Joe Biden reaffirmed the Attorney General’s statement that women must remain free to travel safely to another state to seek the care they need.
What exactly is Roe v. Wade, and what happened to it?

On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision in Roe v. Wade, protecting a woman’s constitutional right to choose. The case reaffirmed basic principles of equality, reinforced the fundamental right to privacy, and resolved that women in this country could control their own destinies — making deeply personal decisions free from political interference.

Then, in 2022, thanks to Donald Trump intentionally appointing anti-abortion justices, a conservative majority on the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. In doing so, they put the health and lives of women across this nation at risk. Millions of women now live in states with extreme bans on abortion, many without exceptions for rape and incest, where doctors can be jailed for providing reproductive care. Today, because of the overturning of Roe, young women are growing up with fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers had. 

Donald Trump brags about “proudly being the one responsible” for overturning Roe v. Wade and taking away Americans’ fundamental rights and freedoms. As a candidate for president in 2016, Trump vowed to put “pro-life justices on the court,” predicting that Roe would be overturned “automatically” because of his appointments. Trump brags that it was his “honor” “to kill Roe v. Wade.” Donald Trump brags about being the most anti-abortion president in American history, and he’s right.

What about protecting contraception and IVF treatment?

The chaos and cruelty all across the country created by Trump overturning Roe v. Wade affect all aspects of reproductive health. The Alabama Supreme Court, made up entirely of Republican justices, recently issued a ruling that ripped away access to IVF treatment from many Alabama families — something that was only possible because Trump overturned Roe. In addition, over 120 MAGA Republicans in Congress are co-sponsors of a radical bill that would put access to IVF treatment at risk nationwide. MAGA Republicans are even going after contraception. As President, Trump slashed access to contraception and said he was “looking at” restricting people’s right to contraception in a second term. 

Joe Biden is committed to protecting IVF treatment. He issued a statement saying that MAGA Republicans’ “disregard for women’s ability to make these decisions for themselves and their families is outrageous and unacceptable.” Joe Biden also issued an Executive Order directing agencies to improve contraception access and affordability for women with private health insurance, promote increased access to over-the-counter contraception, and more.