Joe Biden Is Lowering Costs and Expanding Access to Health Care

While Trump Wants To Rip Health Care Away from Millions of Americans.

President Biden and Vice President Harris are protecting and strengthening the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, to cover more Americans and reduce health care costs for working families. Trump spent four years trying to undermine the ACA and was one vote away from repealing it. Now, Trump is promising again to “terminate” the ACA  and gut health care for the millions of Americans who rely on the program. 

One thing is clear: Donald Trump’s plan will kick people off their insurance. He will endanger the health care of over 45 million Americans who benefit from ACA marketplace insurance and Medicaid expansion. 

Trump is also threatening health care for 67 million seniors and people with disabilities on Medicare – as Trump says, there’s “a lot you can do . . . in terms of cutting” Medicare. Black, Latino, AANHPI, and Native American uninsurance rates would skyrocket, and without the ACA and its expansion of Medicaid, more of the over 500 rural hospitals at risk of closure could close.

Trump’s plan will also raise health insurance premiums and prescription drug costs for hard-working families as he continues to take the side of Big Pharma and health insurance companies over the American people. If Donald Trump gets his way: 

  • Millions of Americans relying on coverage from the ACA marketplace will have to pay thousands of dollars more each year. 
  • More than 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions could be denied coverage or charged thousands of dollars more for health insurance coverage.
  • 150 million people will no longer be guaranteed free cancer screenings, cholesterol tests, and other preventive care services. And, more than 58 million women would be at risk of losing access to free birth control.
  • Prescription drug costs will skyrocket by hundreds of dollars  each year for tens of millions of seniors as Trump allows drug companies to charge as much as they want.
  • Over 30 million children could lose access to guaranteed mental health care, and millions of seniors and people with disabilities could see their home care cut or taken away all together.

No American should be forced to choose between the health care they need and food or housing. That’s why President Biden and Vice President Harris are lowering costs and expanding access to health care. They have lowered health insurance premiums to save millions of Americans an average of $800 per year and are now fighting to make these savings permanent. More people have health coverage than under any other president, driving record-low uninsuranced rates and a record 21 million people enrolling in ACA marketplaces this year. The Biden-Harris Administration is fighting to continue making health care more affordable and accessible by: protecting and strengthening Medicare and Medicaid, getting rid of junk insurance, negotiating lower drug prices with Big Pharma, preventing one million surprise medical bills every month, and strengthening access to reproductive and mental health care.

Donald Trump says his MAGA Republican allies in Congress should “never give up” trying to terminate the Affordable Care Act, which they have tried and failed to do over 50 times. He wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, raise the price of drugs, and increase health care premiums. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will never give up protecting hardworking Americans’ health care; they will always fight to protect and strengthen the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Medicaid.

What has the Biden-Harris Administration done to protect and strengthen the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?

Today, more Americans have health insurance than under any president. President Biden’s work to lower health insurance premiums has led to record-breaking enrollment in the Affordable Care Act’s Marketplaces, with over 21 million people signing up for coverage in 2024 – 9 million more than when the president took office. The Biden-Harris Administration isn’t stopping there and is building on this incredible success by:

  • Keeping Health Insurance Premiums Low. Thanks to the president’s American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act, millions of Americans are saving on average $800 a year on premiums. The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to bringing down health insurance premium costs and giving families more breathing room and the peace of mind that health insurance brings. To do that, President Biden is calling on Congress to make the expanded premium tax credits that the Inflation Reduction Act extended permanent. 
  • Closing the Medicaid Coverage Gap. President Biden continues to call on Congress to provide Medicaid-like coverage to people in the 10 states that have not adopted Medicaid expansion, as well as keep Medicaid expansion enrollees covered.
  • Keeping Kids Covered. Investing in our nation’s children is a top priority for President Biden. Research shows that when children have health insurance, they thrive: they’re healthier, they do better in school, and they are more likely to succeed in adulthood. Keeping children covered is the right thing to do, which is why the President wants to make sure that children up to age 6 can never lose coverage due to red tape, and that families only have to submit Medicaid paperwork once every three years.
  • Making Home Care More Available. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, President Biden delivered $37 billion to all states to expand access to home care and improve the quality of caregiving jobs. The Biden-Harris Administration has taken steps to improve the quality of Medicaid home care services and to make sure home care workers get a bigger share of Medicaid payments for these critical services. The President remains committed to further improving and expanding Medicaid home care services and is calling on Congress to do their part to allow the hundreds of thousands of older adults and individuals with disabilities on Medicaid home care waiting lists to remain in their homes and stay active in their communities while continuing to improve the quality of jobs for caregivers.
  • Ensuring Access to Mental Health Care. Ensuring robust access to mental health care has been a bipartisan priority for over 15 years, including the enactment of mental health and addiction parity requirements, which require health plans to cover mental health care and substance use benefits at the same levels as physical health care benefits. Yet today, too many Americans still struggle to find and afford the care they need. President Biden is committed to tackling the mental health crisis in this country, which means making health plans do their part and providing agencies with the needed support to make sure health insurance companies are doing so. The Biden-Harris Administration is working to finalize the mental health parity rule, which would close existing loopholes as well as ensure health plans evaluate access to mental health care in their networks, and make changes if it’s found to be inadequate. In addition, President Biden is calling on Congress to further increase access to mental health care by expanding coverage in Medicare and private insurance, applying the mental health parity requirements to Medicare beneficiaries, and extending Medicare incentive programs to address mental health provider shortages.
  • Preventing More Surprise Medical Bills. Thanks to rules implemented by President Biden, Americans are now protected from receiving medical bills for most emergency care and air ambulance services, as well as when consumers didn’t know they were getting care from an out-of-network provider despite doing their homework and going to an in-network facility for treatment.  President Biden wants to further protect consumers by applying surprise billing protections to ground ambulance providers. The last thing people should worry about during an emergency is an unexpected bill for their ambulance ride.
  • Cracking Down on Junk Insurance. Making sure Americans aren’t scammed into low-quality coverage and charged more or denied life-saving care is a key priority for President Biden—that’s why he is cracking down on junk insurance plans. This year, the Biden-Harris Administration has finalized rules to help millions of Americans access high-quality, affordable health insurance and protect consumers from being discriminated against because of pre-existing conditions.
  • Ensuring care for all communities. President Biden and Vice President Harris are working to strengthen protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in health care and health insurance, and they increased enrollment in the ACA for LGBTQ+ Americans.
What has President Biden done to lower prescription drug prices?

President Biden took on Big Pharma to lower costs for hardworking Americans—and won. Starting in 2025, out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs for Americans on Medicare will be capped at $2,000 a year. Today, insulin for seniors is capped at $35 a month, down from as much as $400 a month. Learn more about these remarkable savings at

Why does Trump want to repeal the Affordable Care Act?

It’s simple: he only cares about himself and his wealthy friends.  

By repealing the Affordable Care Act, Trump would give a windfall to Big Pharma and insurance companies and give billionaires another tax handout of more than $3.5 million apiece each year—while taking health care coverage away from millions of Americans, raising health care costs for those who still can get coverage and increasing the deficit.

Do Americans want to see the Affordable Care Act repealed?

No! The Affordable Care Act has never been more popular with the American people. Trump doesn’t care. Just look at these polls:

Axios: “Only 32% of Republican respondents said they think the future of the ACA is a very important issue for 2024 presidential candidates to talk about.”

KFF Poll: “64% believe it is ‘very important’ insurance companies continue to be prohibited from charging sick people more – including 55% of Republicans.”

NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll: “Thirteen years after the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, more than eight in ten Americans (83%) either agree or strongly agree that all Americans have a basic right to healthcare coverage.”

The Hill: “Even among Republicans, 66 percent of respondents said they did not want to see the preexisting condition protections overturned. Overall, the poll showed 79 percent of respondents do not want the court to cancel coverage protections for Americans with preexisting conditions.”KFF Poll: “Majorities of Democrats, Republicans, and independents say it is ‘very important’ to continue each of [the Affordable Care Act’s] protections for people with pre-existing conditions.”

How is the Affordable Care Act different from Obamacare?

Obamacare is the same thing as the ACA! The Affordable Care Act was nicknamed “Obamacare” because it was passed under President Obama. In 2009 and 2010, then-Vice President Biden played a crucial role in getting the votes needed to pass the landmark legislation.

Where can I enroll in health care?

You can visit to find out if you’re eligible for ACA or Medicaid coverage, learn about essential health benefits,  compare plans, and enroll.