Indiana Petition Form


  1. DOWNLOAD the the Biden-Harris Indiana petition
  2. PRINT the Biden-Harris Indiana petition double sided on 8.5×11 paper 
  3. LIST YOUR COUNTY at the top right hand corner of the page 
  4. SIGN the petition and get your friends and family to sign it too!
    • Don’t forget signers must be registered Indiana voters and registered in the county listed on the petition form they are signing. If you have friends and family in a different county, please have them sign a new petition sheet
    • Make sure you, your friends, and family each include your signature, name printed legibly, date of birth, and address where you are registered to vote in the correct boxes
    • Do not put text in the For Office Use Only Columns
    • When you are done collecting signatures, fill out the petition carrier certification section at the bottom of the page with your signature, printed name, date of birth, date signed, and your full address
  5. MAIL your printed and filled out petition to the Biden-Harris campaign no later than Friday, December 22nd to:

Biden for President 
PO Box 438 
Wilmington, DE 19801

Frequently asked questions:

Do I have to be registered to vote in Indiana to sign?

Other than being a registered voter, are there any other requirements for who can sign?

Do I have to be a registered Democrat?

Can voters from different counties sign the same petition form? No.

Can I list a P.O. box address? No. You must use the residential address where you are registered to vote in Indiana