Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Are Tackling the Climate Crisis Head-On, While Trump Denies Its Existence.

Donald Trump thinks climate change is a hoax and is fighting to help his buddies in Big Oil and Big Gas. 

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have taken the most ambitious action to tackle the climate crisis in U.S. history. They are cutting pollution while lowering energy costs, unleashing a clean energy manufacturing boom, and creating good-paying jobs —including for young people— through programs like American Climate Corps. They are advancing environmental justice, making communities more resilient to climate change, and protecting America’s natural wonders.

Thanks to this administration’s policies, the U.S. is working now on track to achieve our ambitious climate goals: cutting our emissions in half by 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

Thanks to Joe Biden’s leadership, the United States is now leading the world in addressing the climate crisis. On his first day in office, Joe Biden rallied the world to act on climate by rejoining the international Paris Agreement, and he’s secured commitments from more than 155 countries to reduce methane emissions by at least 30% by 2030.

At home, the Biden-Harris Administration has worked with everyone from mayors to county officials to entrepreneurs to academics; and from business leaders to labor leaders to Tribal leaders to address the climate crisis. They have brought together all parts of America to combat global warming: cities, suburbs, small towns, rural communities, and Tribal Nations. A challenge of this size requires a leader who can bring all of these voices together.

The Biden-Harris climate agenda is more than sound environmental policy; it’s creating good-paying jobs, too. Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act—the single largest investment in climate action ever—which has created more than 270,000 new clean energy jobs. And since taking office, Biden’s policies have helped spur over $866 billion in private sector investments, created nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs, and supercharged the development of American supply chains needed for a clean energy future. He’s also launched the American Climate Corps to put tens of thousands of young Americans to work fighting the impacts of climate change, while putting them on a pathway into a clean energy, resilience, or conservation career.

And while Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are lowering energy costs, Donald Trump is siding with Big Oil. The Biden-Harris Administration has made investments in American-made clean energy, which by 2030 will increase solar generation eightfold and triple wind generation. They are also delivering solar—the cheapest form of electricity—to nearly 1 million low-income homes to lower their utility bills.

What’s more, families can now save thousands of dollars on energy bills through Inflation Reduction Act tax credits for any family who wants to switch to cleaner appliances, install solar panels, and/or purchase an electric vehicle—which, combined, can save households an average of $2,800 on their energy bills every year. Donald Trump calls climate change a “hoax” and wants to give his Big Oil and Gas donors tax breaks while raising costs for working families, even as these same wealthy corporations rake in historic profits.

These policies have made the U.S. the standard-bearer for climate action in the world. Joe Biden will continue to lead the way to a sustainable future for the next generation of Americans.

How do Joe Biden and Donald Trump differ on climate change?

Donald Trump calls climate change a “hoax” and will undo our progress to help his buddies in Big Oil and Big Gas. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been leading the charge in tackling the climate crisis. They’ve passed the most ambitious climate plan in history, are taking on Big Oil and Gas to lower costs for Americans, and are fighting to keep the planet livable for our children and grandchildren. 

Donald Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement, derailing global climate progress, and has promised to withdraw again if elected. Joe Biden rejoined the agreement on his first day in office.

Donald Trump rolled back more than 100 environmental regulations. Joe Biden has taken executive action and signed legislation to develop clean energy at home, accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, and reduce pollution that endangers overburdened communities.

Trump did nothing to stand up to price gouging by Big Oil and even wants another tax giveaway for large corporations, including fossil fuel companies. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will continue to cut energy costs and increase US energy independence with renewable energy made in America.

Donald Trump thinks wind turbines are bad for the environment and make whales go “crazy.” Joe Biden…does not.

How can I join the American Climate Corps or get a green job? 

The newly announced American Climate Corps is training young people in clean energy, conservation, and climate resilience-related skills to get good-paying jobs in the clean energy economy. 

If you want to learn how to join the American Climate Corps, you can go to

There, you can sign up to learn more about clean energy jobs that will give you the skills you need for a future: 

  • Rebuilding coastal wetlands or managing forests and agricultural systems; 
  • Supporting the deployment of low-cost, reliable clean energy that helps families save money on their monthly energy bills; and
  • Advancing environmental justice to ensure all Americans live in healthy, thriving communities.

Learn about even more green job opportunities available to you by visiting

How does climate investment lower energy prices?

The Department of Energy estimates that Joe Biden’s climate policies will cut electricity rates by as much as 9 percent and lower gas prices by as much as 13 percent by 2030, putting tens of billions of dollars back in the pockets of Americans.

Americans across the country are already seeing savings on their home energy costs. Here are some examples:

  • Florida Power & Light (FPL) will refund its 5.8 million customers ~$400 million in savings as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act’s Production Tax Credit for solar energy. FPL continues to build solar projects across Florida as part of the nation’s largest solar expansion, which today includes 50 operational sites. 
  • Xcel in Minnesota estimated that the Inflation Reduction Act could lead to $1.4 billion in consumer savings through 2034 for its Minnesota customers.
  • WEC Energy Group in Wisconsin added $2.4 billion to its 5-year capital plan thanks in part to the Inflation Reduction Act. The company had 2,400 MW of new renewables in its 2022–2026 plan; now it’s targeting approximately 3,300 MW. The company projects long-term customer savings of approximately $2 billion from investment in renewables.

The Biden Administration and the Department of Energy also launched an Energy Savings Hub to help consumers, renters, and homeowners find ways to save money on their energy bills by tapping into the programs in the Inflation Reduction Act. Already:

  • Families who install an efficient electric heat pump for heating and cooling can receive a tax credit of up to $2,000 and save an average of over $500 per year on energy bills.
  • Families who make other energy efficiency improvements can receive tax credits worth up to $500 for doors, $600 for windows, $150 for a home energy audit, and up to 30 percent off the cost of new insulation—a total of up to $1,200 per year in tax credits.
  • Families who install rooftop solar or battery storage in their homes can save up to 30 percent of the cost of the installation via a tax credit —$7,500 on average— and save nearly $400 per year on their energy bills.
  • Drivers who buy qualifying clean vehicles can receive a tax credit of up to $7,500 for a new vehicle and up to $4,000 for a used vehicle.—and can receive the credit at point of sale at participating dealers. Drivers can browse qualifying vehicles easily by visiting

Learn more about how you can save money and energy today by visiting the Energy Savings Hub at

How does Joe Biden plan to advance environmental justice?

For far too long, disadvantaged communities across our country have faced environmental injustices, bearing the brunt of toxic pollution, enduring underinvestment in infrastructure and critical services, and suffering disproportionate impacts from climate change. Since coming into office, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have worked to ensure that the voices, perspectives, and lived experiences of environmental justice communities are heard in the White House and reflected in the priorities, policies, investments, and decision-making of the Federal Government.

This administration sees environmental justice as a whole-of-government commitment that requires early, meaningful, and sustained partnership with communities and dedicated leadership in Federal agencies. In this spirit, they have created several brand-new environmental justice initiatives, including:

  • The government-wide Justice40 Initiative, which aims to provide 40 percent of the overall benefits of Federal investments relating to climate change, clean energy, and other areas to disadvantaged communities who are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution.
  •  The White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council (IAC), an inter-governmental body comprised of the heads of key Federal agencies that seeks to advance environmental justice across the Biden-Harris Administration and is developing strategies to address current and historic environmental injustice.
  • The development of a Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool, which seeks to help agencies identify disadvantaged communities for the purposes of the Justice40 Initiative and thereby inform equitable decision-making across the Federal Government.
  • The establishment of an Environmental Justice Scorecard, which will track Federal agency performance on environmental justice, including on the Justice40 Initiative.

Since day one, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have worked tirelessly to secure historic and long overdue investments in environmental justice, advance science-based regulations that reduce environmental pollution, strengthen enforcement of the nation’s environmental and civil rights laws, and elevate the voices of environmental justice communities in the White House and throughout the administration.