Trump Wants to Play Games with the Border.

Biden Wants to Fix our Immigration System Once and For All.

Earlier this year, President Biden negotiated the toughest, fairest bipartisan agreement to secure the border in decades. This proposal would make our country safer, make our border more secure, and treat people fairly and humanely.

But after years of talk, Donald Trump proved he would rather put politics first and directed his MAGA Republican allies in Congress to kill the deal in an attempt to help his campaign. 

Trump doesn’t care about fixing our broken immigration system. Instead, he’s embracing extreme rhetoric and ineffective policies in an attempt to stoke fear and divide the American people while doing nothing to fix the problem, because that’s how he thinks he wins. 

It’s a stark contrast with President Biden, who, after inheriting a broken system from Donald Trump, has been using all of the tools at his disposal to secure the border and fix our immigration system:  

  • On Day One, President Biden sent Congress a plan to provide a pathway to citizenship for immigrants who have been living in the U.S. for many years and pass a background check and pay taxes, expand lawful pathways for migration, and invest in smarter, more effective border security.
  • He has protected the public health and safety of all Americans by cracking down on the trafficking of illicit drugs – especially fentanyl – across our borders.

And he set up a task force that is finding and reuniting families ripped apart at the border by Trump’s family separation policy; ended the Muslim ban; and moved to fortify DACA. He took new actions to increase border enforcement, accelerate the processing of asylum applications and work authorizations, and provide Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, to some 700,000 hard working immigrants from 16 destabilized countries, including Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ethiopia, and Somalia. 

But as President Biden has made clear time and time again, our immigration system is broken — which is why he continues to call on Congress to work with him to fix it.  He sent Congress a comprehensive immigration plan on day one, has requested more border resources, and negotiated a strong bipartisan border security bill. 

Trump opposes all of these commonsense reforms and created chaos at the border as president. He broke our immigration system by kneecapping key agencies and attempting to cut crucial resources from proven border security measures. He separated children from their parents and had no plan to reunite them.It was shameful and contrary to our values as a nation. 

This election is a clear choice: Donald Trump wants to play politics with our immigration system, Joe Biden is working to fix it.

What’s in the Bipartisan Border Agreement that President Biden negotiated?

Earlier this year, President Biden negotiated the strongest, fairest border security bill in decades that would make our country safer, make the border more secure, and treat people fairly and humanely. The agreement would provide critical resources at the border and significant policy changes, including:

  • Granting emergency authority to the President to temporarily shut down the border when border arrivals overwhelm the nation’s processing capacity. 
  • Adding 1,500 border agents, 4,300 asylum officers, and 100 immigration judges to bring more order to the border and make the asylum process faster and fairer.
  • Funding the installation of 100 cutting-edge inspection machines to detect fentanyl at our southern border ports of entry.
  • Providing aid to affected cities and states.
Why did Senate Republicans change their minds about the Bipartisan Border Agreement?

Donald Trump directed MAGA Republicans to kill the toughest and fairest reforms to secure the border in decades because he thought it would help him politically. This agreement would have made our country safer, made the border more secure, and treated people fairly and humanely. After years of talk about securing the border, Trump proved he would rather put politics first. That’s exactly who Donald Trump is: always looking out for himself and not the American people.

How does Joe Biden’s border security plan differ from Donald Trump’s?

After inheriting a broken system from Donald Trump, Joe Biden sent Congress a comprehensive immigration reform plan on Day One including a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers. Joe Biden negotiated the toughest, fairest bipartisan agreement to secure the border in decades – but after years of talk, Trump proved he would rather put politics first and killed the deal to help his own campaign. Remember, it was Donald Trump who broke our immigration system by kneecapping key agencies and attempting to cut crucial resources from proven border security measures. He separated children from their parents and had no plan to reunite them. And if Donald Trump is reelected, he will make things worse – he will separate more families, he will deport millions of people who have been here for years, and he will try to end birthright citizenship. He says immigrants are “poisoning the blood of the country,” calls them animals, and says they are “not people.” It’s cruel and un-American. 

This election is a clear choice: Donald Trump wants to play politics with our immigration system, Joe Biden is working to fix it.

What has President Biden done to protect Dreamers?

Almost twelve years ago, Barack Obama and Joe Biden announced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to allow young people to live and work in the only country they’ve called home. Since then, DACA has provided more than 800,000 Dreamers with the ability to work lawfully, pursue an education, and contribute their immense skills and talents to better our communities. 

In his first year, Trump ordered the end of DACA, subjecting Dreamers to deportation to countries few even can remember. Trump then opposed attempts to protect Dreamers through bipartisan legislation that combined strong border security with a path to citizenship for eligible young immigrants. 

Immediately upon taking office, the Biden-Harris Administration took aggressive action to protect those with DACA. Through executive action, the  Biden-Harris Administration fortified DACA, expanded health coverage to DACA recipients and provided them with the resources they need to succeed here in America, such as home financing assistance and employment opportunities. President Biden’s Justice Department is defending DACA in the courts. The President and Vice President are committed to defending Dreamers against attacks from Trump and his MAGA allies, and will continue to push Congress to provide permanent protection to the hundreds of thousands of Dreamers in the United States.