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To contribute via personal check, please make checks payable to “Biden Victory Fund” and send to:

PO BOX 96663
WASHINGTON, DC 20077-7085

Biden Victory Fund Contribution Form

Have you ever wanted to meet Jill and me?

Joe Biden


Joe Biden

Together we can finish the job

What are your plans this summer?

Jill and me are visiting Rehoboth Beach, and we'd love it if you'd join us.

Make a donation now and be entered to win an all-expenses-paid trip to meet us in Delaware.

Dark Brandon

Dark Brandon

Malarkey ends here.

You’ve reached Dark Brandon.

There’s no malarkey on this side, just facts. And the fact is Trump and his allies will spend hundreds of millions of dollars pretending Trump's first term was not a total disaster for the American people.

Will you step up and donate any amount today to help us fight off Trump and all his malarkey?